
COMBINE coordination

COMBINE coordinator meetings

The global COMBINE effort is led by the COMBINE Coordination Board which meets regularly. The notes of the meetings are made public:

COMBINE procedures

Becoming a COMBINE standard

A pipeline has nevertheless emerged for the inclusion of new standards in the set of COMBINE standards. We intend to formalize it into a SOP. Meanwhile here is a short informal description of the procedure.

A community wanting to add a new description format to the COMBINE set should start by having it listed as a related standardization effort. The developers should join the COMBINE community, and in particular participate to the annual COMBINE meetings.

COMBINE aims to develop a set of robust interoperable and non-overlapping standards. Candidate standardization efforts must therefore comply a series of criteria.

The acceptance of the format as a COMBINE standard is then decided by the coordinators.

COMBINE format specification infrastructure

The activities of COMBINE span several standards. Each standard is described in multiple specification documents. It is important to be able to refer precisely and consistently to a given standard or to its specification. It is also important to access the documents. In order to do so, COMBINE provides a specification infrastructure. There is also a list of all specifications.

Organization of COMBINE meetings

An important activity of COMBINE is to organise common meetings, where the developers of the different standards can meet and work together. If you wish to propose a meeting, or are in the process of setting one up, please read the page Organization of COMBINE meetings . This document describes the procedures to follow to propose and organize the meetings, defines the respective responsibilities and provides practical advices.

COMBINE discussions

Some technical discussions launched within the community are of COMBINE-wide interest. They are therefore documented on this website. They may, or may not, result in documents, solutions, technologies, included in the COMBINE procedures. If you want to discuss the goals, organization and operation of COMBINE, subscribe to combine-discuss.


COMBINE logos and banners at different resolution are available in this archive.

Those logo are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence. Feel free to copy and redistribute them in any medium or format, remix, transform, and build upon them for any COMBINE related purposes.